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Satellite CPF Predictions

The ILRS network uses CPF orbit predictions provided by mission operators and analysis centres.

The SGF calculates precise satellite orbit predictions daily for most of the ILRS targets and makes these orbits available to other SLR stations internationally. These predictions can be compared in advance to those from other CPF providers so that stations and providers can be confident in their accuracy.

The Consolidated Prediction Format (CPF) is the official format used by the ILRS. It consists of geocentric X, Y, and Z positions at different epochs that can be interpolated for very accurate predictions. Accurate prediction of the positions of the full range of laser-tracked satellites is possible in a single, simple format.

The plots below compare the CPFs when there is more than one provider by taking the differences in metres between the orbital X, Y and Z values at zero hours for today and for the next three or four days.

Full residual plot comparisons are plotted here.
           Difference between CPF Providers
        JD            X             Y             Z
Ajisai SGF - ITT    
 aji   60740.         1.199         1.538        -1.384
 aji   60741.         1.220         2.829        -1.144
 aji   60742.         1.198         4.453        -1.124
 aji   60743.         0.807         6.190        -0.990
Ajisai SGF - DGF    
 aji   60740.        -0.542         2.895        -0.229
 aji   60741.        -0.243         6.176        -0.945
 aji   60742.        -0.693        11.007        -0.665
 aji   60743.        -1.796        16.231        -1.188
 aji   60744.        -0.434        21.927        -2.361
Ajisai ITT - DGF    
 aji   60740.        -1.742         1.357         1.154
 aji   60741.        -1.463         3.348         0.199
 aji   60742.        -1.891         6.553         0.458
 aji   60743.        -2.603        10.042        -0.198
Beacon-C SGF - ITT  
 bec   60740.         4.171        36.616       -11.486
 bec   60741.         2.733        70.231       -14.671
 bec   60742.         1.192       115.250       -16.534
 bec   60743.        -1.863       176.241       -19.034
Etalon-1 SGF - ITT  
 eta   60740.        -4.897       -13.036       -33.472
 eta   60741.         5.607       -11.019       -32.993
 eta   60742.        13.491        -2.201       -37.445
 eta   60743.         5.815        -8.637       -34.985
Etalon-1 SGF - DGF  
 eta   60740.        -2.298         0.896        -5.822
 eta   60741.        -4.749       -10.956       -10.038
 eta   60742.         2.766       -23.900        -4.601
 eta   60743.        16.750       -24.531         8.295
 eta   60744.        16.921       -14.500        -6.410
Etalon-1 ITT - DGF  
 eta   60740.         2.599        13.933        27.650
 eta   60741.       -10.356         0.063        22.956
 eta   60742.       -10.725       -21.699        32.844
 eta   60743.        -8.469         3.556        25.586
Etalon-2 SGF - ITT  
 etb   60740.       -11.189        -5.667       -26.127
 etb   60741.       -13.828       -18.295       -11.211
 etb   60742.         2.053       -28.348         0.756
 etb   60743.        14.991       -20.264       -46.558
Etalon-2 SGF - DGF  
 etb   60740.        -0.124        -0.101         0.369
 etb   60741.        -0.203        -0.221         0.618
 etb   60742.        -0.110        -0.420         0.960
 etb   60743.         0.121        -0.495         1.107
 etb   60744.         0.211        -0.423         1.166
Etalon-2 ITT - DGF  
 etb   60740.        11.066         5.566        26.495
 etb   60741.        13.624        18.074        11.829
 etb   60742.        -2.164        27.928         0.203
 etb   60743.       -14.978        19.927        47.261
Larets SGF - ITT    
 lar   60740.         0.847        -3.584         1.123
 lar   60741.         0.849        -5.584         1.595
 lar   60742.         0.150        -8.131         2.439
 lar   60743.         0.585        -9.766         2.970
Larets SGF - DGF    
 lar   60740.        -5.280        20.219         2.741
 lar   60741.       -15.511        43.544         9.919
 lar   60742.       -15.965        90.680        12.189
 lar   60743.       -12.732       141.008         6.377
 lar   60744.       -39.986       184.424        23.766
Larets ITT - DGF    
 lar   60740.        -6.127        23.803         1.618
 lar   60741.       -16.360        49.128         8.324
 lar   60742.       -16.115        98.812         9.750
 lar   60743.       -36.087       130.739        21.713
 las   60740.         2.031        -3.660         0.721
 las   60741.         0.888        -6.350         1.925
 las   60742.         2.520       -10.325         1.323
 las   60743.         0.946       -14.982         2.080
 las   60740.         0.028         0.209        -0.041
 las   60741.        -0.010         0.262         0.003
 las   60742.         0.052         0.185        -0.102
 las   60743.        -0.035         0.221         0.025
 las   60744.         0.104         0.200        -0.171
 las   60740.        -2.003         3.869        -0.762
 las   60741.        -0.898         6.612        -1.922
 las   60742.        -2.468        10.510        -1.426
 las   60743.        -0.907        15.155        -2.177
 la2   60740.         0.003         0.109        -0.018
 la2   60741.        -0.033         0.148        -0.026
 la2   60742.        -0.028         0.192        -0.019
 la2   60743.        -0.037         0.273        -0.010
 la2   60744.        -0.026         0.309        -0.021
 lga   60740.         3.103         1.201         0.417
 lga   60741.         2.824         1.435         0.356
 lga   60742.         2.870         1.443         0.907
 lga   60743.         2.907         1.497         1.297
 lga   60740.        -0.008        -0.109        -0.078
 lga   60741.         0.002        -0.155        -0.087
 lga   60742.        -0.016        -0.165        -0.153
 lga   60743.        -0.024        -0.206        -0.181
 lga   60744.         0.000        -0.329        -0.234
 lgb   60740.         2.753        -0.420        -1.651
 lgb   60741.         2.244        -1.009        -1.325
 lgb   60742.         2.886        -1.175        -0.722
 lgb   60743.         1.993        -2.419         0.414
 lgb   60740.        -0.009        -0.023        -0.058
 lgb   60741.        -0.048        -0.164        -0.110
 lgb   60742.         0.027        -0.268        -0.116
 lgb   60743.        -0.166        -0.612        -0.068
 lgb   60744.         0.128        -0.673        -0.236
Stella SGF - ITT    
 ste   60740.         3.032         3.894        -2.647
 ste   60741.         3.994         5.980        -3.512
 ste   60742.         3.774        10.688        -3.625
 ste   60743.         3.850        15.943        -4.306
Stella SGF - DGF    
 ste   60740.         0.865         2.642        -0.571
 ste   60741.         2.303         5.074        -1.801
 ste   60742.         2.856        12.550        -2.152
 ste   60743.         2.797        21.572        -2.776
 ste   60744.         0.953        30.754        -0.757
Stella ITT - DGF    
 ste   60740.        -2.167        -1.252         2.076
 ste   60741.        -1.691        -0.906         1.712
 ste   60742.        -0.918         1.862         1.474
 ste   60743.        -1.052         5.629         1.529
Starlette SGF - ITT 
 str   60740.         0.931        -0.296        -1.122
 str   60741.         0.980         1.016        -0.910
 str   60742.         0.937         1.203        -0.705
 str   60743.         0.982         1.703        -0.497
Starlette SGF - DGF 
 str   60740.         0.165        -1.552         0.141
 str   60741.         0.134        -3.954         0.335
 str   60742.         0.479        -7.208        -0.003
 str   60743.         0.975       -12.217        -0.335
 str   60744.        -1.757       -18.153         1.459
Starlette ITT - DGF 
 str   60740.        -0.767        -1.256         1.263
 str   60741.        -0.846        -4.970         1.245
 str   60742.        -0.458        -8.411         0.702
 str   60743.        -1.550       -13.770         1.074