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Satellite CPF Predictions

The ILRS network uses CPF orbit predictions provided by mission operators and analysis centres.

The SGF calculates precise satellite orbit predictions daily for most of the ILRS targets and makes these orbits available to other SLR stations internationally. These predictions can be compared in advance to those from other CPF providers so that stations and providers can be confident in their accuracy.

The Consolidated Prediction Format (CPF) is the official format used by the ILRS. It consists of geocentric X, Y, and Z positions at different epochs that can be interpolated for very accurate predictions. Accurate prediction of the positions of the full range of laser-tracked satellites is possible in a single, simple format.

The plots below compare the CPFs when there is more than one provider by taking the differences in metres between the orbital X, Y and Z values at zero hours for today and for the next three or four days.

Full residual plot comparisons are plotted here.
           Difference between CPF Providers
        JD            X             Y             Z
Ajisai SGF - ITT    
 aji   60734.         1.617        -0.081        -3.224
 aji   60735.         1.377        -0.686        -3.601
 aji   60736.         1.628        -1.374        -4.149
Ajisai SGF - DGF    
 aji   60734.        -0.050         4.145        -0.752
 aji   60735.         0.342         8.864        -1.396
 aji   60736.        -1.385        15.179        -1.398
 aji   60737.         0.265        23.576        -2.851
 aji   60738.        -3.098        32.569        -0.892
Ajisai ITT - DGF    
 aji   60734.        -1.667         4.226         2.472
 aji   60735.        -1.036         9.550         2.205
 aji   60736.        -2.270        16.869         2.541
Beacon-C SGF - ITT  
 bec   60734.        -4.365       112.917       -38.736
 bec   60735.        -4.813       183.764       -56.825
 bec   60736.       -16.069       270.112       -71.912
Etalon-1 SGF - ITT  
 eta   60734.         5.197         0.858       -10.105
 eta   60735.         8.604        -2.330        -7.946
 eta   60736.        12.489         9.394       -14.989
Etalon-1 SGF - DGF  
 eta   60734.        -1.543        -1.777        -3.842
 eta   60735.         2.374        -5.815        -1.982
 eta   60736.         7.585        -3.711        -2.351
 eta   60737.         7.699        -0.047        -4.235
 eta   60738.         4.367         1.750        -2.620
Etalon-1 ITT - DGF  
 eta   60734.        -6.740        -2.635         6.262
 eta   60735.        -6.230        -3.485         5.963
 eta   60736.        -8.058        -9.136         7.782
Etalon-2 SGF - ITT  
 etb   60734.         7.625         7.923        -5.821
 etb   60735.         4.410        11.162        -7.195
 etb   60736.         6.764        10.250        -2.230
Etalon-2 SGF - DGF  
 etb   60734.         0.079         0.245         0.624
 etb   60735.         0.035         0.242         0.806
 etb   60736.         0.189         0.323         1.215
 etb   60737.         0.229         0.517         1.488
 etb   60738.         0.095         0.710         1.784
Etalon-2 ITT - DGF  
 etb   60734.        -7.546        -7.678         6.445
 etb   60735.        -4.375       -10.920         8.001
 etb   60736.        -6.488        -9.913         3.633
Larets SGF - ITT    
 lar   60734.        12.842       -49.677        -8.304
 lar   60735.        13.450       -76.892        -5.875
 lar   60736.        24.418      -106.583       -16.331
Larets SGF - DGF    
 lar   60734.         7.695       -27.250        -5.526
 lar   60735.        10.957       -62.106        -6.745
 lar   60736.        24.875      -107.276       -19.607
 lar   60737.        23.695      -174.633       -16.415
 lar   60738.        54.200      -223.197       -44.668
Larets ITT - DGF    
 lar   60734.        -5.147        22.427         2.777
 lar   60735.        -2.493        14.786        -0.870
 lar   60736.         0.457        -0.693        -3.276
 las   60734.         1.542        -4.704        -1.783
 las   60735.         2.141        -7.800        -3.510
 las   60736.         2.123       -12.640        -3.685
 las   60734.         0.044         0.606        -0.100
 las   60735.         0.061         0.963        -0.072
 las   60736.         0.003         1.489        -0.139
 las   60737.         0.133         1.958        -0.105
 las   60738.        -0.151         2.557        -0.105
 las   60734.        -1.498         5.310         1.683
 las   60735.        -2.080         8.764         3.438
 las   60736.        -2.120        14.129         3.545
 la2   60734.         0.065         0.134         0.012
 la2   60735.         0.103         0.138        -0.023
 la2   60736.         0.097         0.130        -0.001
 la2   60737.         0.093         0.147        -0.010
 la2   60738.         0.125         0.131        -0.025
 lga   60734.         3.694         3.163        -2.166
 lga   60735.         3.866         3.491        -2.574
 lga   60736.         3.500         4.802        -2.584
 lga   60734.        -0.002        -0.135         0.021
 lga   60735.        -0.016        -0.253         0.077
 lga   60736.         0.075        -0.503        -0.060
 lga   60737.        -0.092        -0.677         0.098
 lga   60738.         0.045        -0.725         0.156
 lgb   60734.         2.477         2.343        -2.913
 lgb   60735.         2.291         2.152        -3.844
 lgb   60736.         2.387         2.286        -3.355
 lgb   60734.        -0.055        -0.204         0.211
 lgb   60735.         0.108        -0.370         0.037
 lgb   60736.        -0.180        -0.902         0.395
 lgb   60737.         0.126        -1.111         0.013
 lgb   60738.        -0.161        -1.940         0.544
Stella SGF - ITT    
 ste   60734.        -0.703        -6.763         0.152
 ste   60735.        -0.115       -14.004        -0.304
 ste   60736.         0.951       -21.974        -1.433
Stella SGF - DGF    
 ste   60734.        -2.444        -4.321         1.993
 ste   60735.        -3.110       -11.934         2.683
 ste   60736.        -2.194       -21.598         1.681
 ste   60737.        -4.709       -28.797         3.945
 ste   60738.        -9.063       -42.341         5.838
Stella ITT - DGF    
 ste   60734.        -1.741         2.441         1.841
 ste   60735.        -2.994         2.071         2.987
 ste   60736.        -3.145         0.377         3.114
Starlette SGF - ITT 
 str   60734.         1.290        -0.240        -3.401
 str   60735.         1.303        -1.183        -3.607
 str   60736.         1.484        -1.129        -4.071
Starlette SGF - DGF 
 str   60734.         0.275         2.310         0.036
 str   60735.         0.393         5.510        -0.066
 str   60736.         0.195        10.067         0.138
 str   60737.        -0.511        16.406         0.789
 str   60738.         2.858        24.209        -1.013
Starlette ITT - DGF 
 str   60734.        -1.016         2.550         3.437
 str   60735.        -0.911         6.693         3.541
 str   60736.        -1.289        11.196         4.209