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Latest Satellite Tracking Priorities

SLR satellites are listed in order of highest priority to enable best coverage by the ILRS network.

The table below shows the number of normal points submitted to the EDC data centre by the ILRS network over the last 10 days. A priority is assigned to each satellite depending on its requirements for tracking. A priority setting of 1 is twice the priority of a setting of 2 which is twice as high in priority as a setting of 3.

A weighting is applied according to the number of Normal Points collected in the previous 10 days with the most recent data having a higher weighting, reducing its priority. This weighting is scaled by the satellite normal point bin length.

The satellites are tabled in decreasing order of their immediate priority for tracking. This table is updated every hour.

Click here to see a Herstmonceux only dynamic priority table
Updated:  Sat 27 Jul 00:53:26 UTC 2024

   Satellite     Days: 27   26   25   24   23   22   21   20   19   18   -30    TotalNP  p   Score

1602101  Compassi6b    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    8         0      5   8    
1306703  Swarmc        0    26   27   0    0    64   38   31   94   8    778       288    2   24998
1306702  Swarma        0    34   43   7    0    71   28   62   79   62   918       386    2   32358
1306701  Swarmb        0    85   84   20   63   0    60   67   121  165  1895      665    2   57955
1804702  Gracefo2      0    72   35   63   18   154  98   119  103  95   1229      757    2   67169
1804701  Gracefo1      0    44   73   79   29   159  83   123  187  117  1345      894    2   75225
0702601  Terrasarx     0    33   51   9    68   27   47   45   113  79   924       472    3   78484
1003001  Tandemx       0    67   56   26   41   33   40   41   121  90   896       515    3   91256
1802001  Paz           0    180  122  33   102  39   92   34   243  101  2220      946    3   189860
1807001  Icesat2       0    181  48   72   0    48   137  147  116  16   1339      765    2   240979
1300901  Saral         0    138  92   72   71   62   58   52   144  143  1822      832    2   244042
1001301  Cryosat2      0    101  173  139  61   128  141  39   152  193  2551      1127   2   329551
1803901  Sentinel3b    0    148  118  128  82   149  150  147  202  109  2487      1233   2   360267
1601101  Sentinel3a    0    192  126  124  78   90   139  128  229  100  2593      1206   2   363793
1802901  Beidou3m9     0    0    0    2    0    6    3    0    0    2    96        13     5   556896
2217301  Swot          0    185  247  232  110  208  279  198  318  261  3485      2038   2   577805
1200601  Lares         0    165  159  117  129  82   96   90   252  169  2687      1259   2   733127
8900103  Etalon1       0    18   25   14   12   4    4    24   4    19   300       124    2   800700
2008601  Sentinel6a    0    248  299  247  250  425  248  479  374  460  6012      3030   2   822912
1808101  Hy2b          0    64   100  33   83   71   73   71   173  144  1528      812    3   830728
1600201  Jason3        0    312  286  426  237  405  327  412  218  463  7033      3086   2   905113
8903903  Etalon2       0    19   19   19   8    7    25   24   21   35   288       177    2   945888
0304206  Larets        0    50   69   45   29   49   52   28   31   30   824       383    4   1018424
9207002  Lageos2       0    104  153  70   94   94   82   76   115  80   1877      868    1   1093877
2006601  Hy2c          0    109  56   100  141  134  95   184  159  144  2117      1122   3   1211477
2104301  Hy2d          0    150  121  65   19   162  172  130  191  246  2587      1256   3   1299307
1801802  Beidou3m3     0    2    5    0    0    0    18   5    3    3    77        36     5   1478477
7603901  Lageos1       0    124  130  148  155  102  177  124  185  93   2678      1238   1   1484678
1802902  Beidou3m10    0    0    4    1    10   6    3    2    7    2    54        35     5   1564854
6503201  Beaconc       0    171  124  313  302  247  127  137  175  243  4646      1839   4   2232086
9306102  Stella        0    129  97   129  120  170  75   121  107  136  1795      1084   4   2604835
2208001  Lares2        0    135  143  156  91   98   201  95   177  190  2736      1286   2   2940336
1706902  Beidou3m2     0    2    5    22   6    8    13   4    2    10   114       72     5   3513714
7501001  Starlette     0    184  217  105  192  129  157  102  216  193  3138      1495   4   3594978
1405002  Galileo202    0    23   9    0    2    4    9    13   14   15   186       89     5   4118586
1507901  Galileo209    0    6    16   0    13   2    27   11   15   7    174       97     5   4300974
1106002  Galileo102    0    12   15   15   7    10   16   0    22   27   169       124    5   5376169
8606101  Ajisai        0    360  267  280  325  335  186  347  299  315  6414      2714   4   6562734
1603002  Galileo210    0    30   8    3    31   22   0    3    13   13   106       123    5   6710506