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Absolute Gravimetry

Small changes in height cause detectable differences in the strength of the gravitational field experienced by a falling object.

The purpose of running an AG at the SGF Herstmonceux is to provide a long-term data set which can provide vertical height movements independent of those from the space based geodetic techniques. A long-term aim is to investigate the Global Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) signal from this region.

AG data has been collected at Herstmonceux since 2006 and it has been shown that there are signals within the data which are of interest and should be removed. The signals detected are on various time scales and from various of sources. Investigations are being carried out on tidal, atmospheric and hydrological responses.

Earth Orientation Parameters:
 60550.0 2024  8 28 241  0.20624  0.45246  0.047646
 60551.0 2024  8 29 242  0.20680  0.45107  0.048828
 60552.0 2024  8 30 243  0.20750  0.44984  0.049976
 60553.0 2024  8 31 244  0.20810  0.44873  0.051004
 60554.0 2024  9  1 245  0.20840  0.44738  0.051831
 60555.0 2024  9  2 246  0.20886  0.44557  0.052423
 60556.0 2024  9  3 247  0.20959  0.44391  0.052902
 60557.0 2024  9  4 248  0.21040  0.44279  0.053296
 60558.0 2024  9  5 249  0.21136  0.44192  0.053538
 60559.0 2024  9  6 250  0.21239  0.44096  0.053797
 60560.0 2024  9  7 251  0.21348  0.43999  0.054072
 60561.0 2024  9  8 252  0.21449  0.43883  0.054436
 60562.0 2024  9  9 253  0.21551  0.43762  0.054950
 60563.0 2024  9 10 254  0.21655  0.43636  0.055617
 60564.0 2024  9 11 255  0.21760  0.43506  0.056414
 60565.0 2024  9 12 256  0.21866  0.43372  0.057286
 60566.0 2024  9 13 257  0.21971  0.43236  0.058142
 60567.0 2024  9 14 258  0.22074  0.43098  0.058871
 60568.0 2024  9 15 259  0.22175  0.42959  0.059349
 60569.0 2024  9 16 260  0.22273  0.42818  0.059488
 60570.0 2024  9 17 261  0.22369  0.42675  0.059263