ND filter variation over the sky

SGF observations vary in return energy during a pass due to sky conditions and other factors.  To maintain a single photon level of return, ND filters from 0.0  - 4.0 are used in front of the detector.  Hence, a higher level of return energy needs a higher ND filter grade.

Does this level of ND filter usage vary across the sky in azimuth and elevation?  Below are eight plots, each containg a sky plots for Lageos 1, Lageos 2, Ajisai, Starlette, Stella and HEO satellites.  The plots are for the Hz and kHz systems in the daytime and at night.  The left handside set are all passes plotted with ND variation in colour.  The right hand side set is the same data averaged on a grid.

These plots are updated regularly and contain data collected from May 2009 to present.

ND Filters plotted pass by pass ND Filters plotted on an averaged grid
10 Hz laser system in the day gALLhd.jpg gALLhd.jpg
10 Hz laser system at night
kHz laser system in the day
kHz laser system at night

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