Data and Software Questions / Re: COSPAR ID to ILRS format
« on: November 23, 2021, 09:20:28 AM »
Any success? I have found COSPAR international designation origins - IGY Bulletin: No. 61, No. 62, No. 63. Trans AGU 43:345. https://doi.org/10.1029/TR043i003p00345 (In case the number of components or objects of a satellite launching is large, the following convention will be used: the letters I and 0 will always be skipped; the 25th object or component will be designated AA, the 26th AB, etc., the 49th BA, etc., etc)
The question is how the ILRS Cospar id is calculated. For Tubin(2021-059X, 2105922) and Elsa-D(2021-022N, 2102213) seems that its just a conversation according to the rule above, but there are a few examples in the past (Lightsail 2 and GFZ-1) which doesn't follow this convention.
2015-025L | 1502511 |40661| Lightsail 1
2019-036AC | 1903629 |44420| Lightsail 2
1986-017JE | 8601795 |23558| GFZ-1
The question is how the ILRS Cospar id is calculated. For Tubin(2021-059X, 2105922) and Elsa-D(2021-022N, 2102213) seems that its just a conversation according to the rule above, but there are a few examples in the past (Lightsail 2 and GFZ-1) which doesn't follow this convention.
2015-025L | 1502511 |40661| Lightsail 1
2019-036AC | 1903629 |44420| Lightsail 2
1986-017JE | 8601795 |23558| GFZ-1