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NESC Forum - Please read on joining the forum


Matt Wilkinson:

I hope you find the NESC Forum useful and I encourage you to be an active member.  You are welcome to start topics on any of the available boards.

Please try not to be anonymous on this forum.  You can make yourself identifiable by your username, avatar and location.

Please report any posts that are inappropriate.

Please send me any feedback or suggestions for additional discussion boards.

And please recommend this forum to your colleagues.



Matt Wilkinson:
To set up Notifications visit Profile --> Modify Profile --> Notifications  and choose your options.

You can choose to be notified instantly, daily or weekly by email.  You must select which topics or boards you wish to receive notifications for by clicking "NOTIFY" on the relevant page.

It is also possible to "Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic."


Matt Wilkinson:

There are a small number of member registrations that do not appear to be from authentic users. 

I have taken extra steps in the registration process to make it harder for SPAM machines to register.  I will remove these members and I apologise if I remove your account by mistake.

Please do not to be anonymous when using these boards and please include something in your personal details (username, location, photo, personal text etc.) that marks you out as a genuine user.



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